Marine Life Boat Tour with Snorkeling in Waianae

Reserva Inmediata
Dolphin, Family, Snorkeling, Swimming, Whales

Are you ready for a Marine Life Boat Tour with Snorkeling in Waianae?

We are thrilled to extend an invitation to a select group of guests staying at Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa, for a once-in-a-lifetime ocean adventure. This exclusive excursion is available on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, and promises to be an unforgettable experience.

During this 3-hour boat tour, you will be taken aboard the impressive 65-foot Gold Coast Catamaran "Ko Nau Lani", from Aulani to Waianae Harbor. The catamaran has a maximum capacity of 80 passengers. You will cruise along the sun-kissed leeward coast of Oahu, and be treated to a delicious individualized sandwich lunch. Along the way, you will have the opportunity to encounter local marine life, such as the playful Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins, honu (Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles), and, from December to March, the majestic Kohola (Humpback Whale).

The adventure also includes a guided snorkeling excursion, where you will be amazed by the vibrant marine life and crystal-clear waters. You can relax on the deck and soak up the sun while enjoying the tunes of a local ‘ukulele player.

For your convenience, the excursion departs from Waianae Harbor. Snorkel fins and vest, as well as in-water assistance from our expert crew, are included. We also provide sanitized snorkel gear on board, or feel free to bring your own snorkel and mask.

We encourage you to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to explore the ocean and its wonders, available exclusively to guests of Aulani. Join us for an adventure of a lifetime, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

What are you waiting for? Join us now on this Marine Life Boat Tour with Snorkeling in Waianae!



  • Observa especies de aves raras que no se pueden encontrar cerca;

  • Esta experiencia proporciona un encuentro cercano con estos maravillosos mamíferos;

  • En este paseo podéis observar delfines y otras especies marinas en su hábitat natural;

  • Ver a estos mamíferos en su hábitat natural es una experiencia muy mágica;

  • Disfrutad de la vista única sobre la increíble costa;

No olvidar

  • Por favor, preséntaos 30 minutos antes de la salida;

  • Todas las experiencias marítimas están sujetas a las condiciones climáticas y marítimas. En caso de malas condiciones, nos pondremos en contacto con vosotros para reprogramar o hacer un reembolso;

  • El número de teléfono y la dirección del operador, se mencionan en el correo electrónico de confirmación.

  • Lleva traje de baño y crema solar segura para los arrecifes


  • Información de seguridad, seguro y chalecos salvavida están incluidos;

  • A bordo tenéis acceso a baños y hay áreas con sombra;

  • Tenemos material para hacer esnórquel a bordo para vosotros;

  • Incluye comentarios a bordo de vuestro capitán local sobre los lugares más interesantes de la región;

  • Incluye un delicioso almuerzo;

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Marine Life Boat Tour with Snorkeling in Waianae