Clear Kayak Tour in Crystal River with Manatees

Reserva Inmediata
Aves, Dolphin, Eco, Family, Kayak, Swimming

Are you ready for a Clear Kayak Tour in Crystal River with Manatees?

Looking for a thrilling adventure that combines crystal clear waters with the opportunity to spot manatees? Look no further than Crystal River! With our specially-designed kayaks, you'll be able to explore the river and have an excellent chance of seeing various wildlife species.

The duration of the trip is 2-2.5 hours, giving you ample time to take in the stunning scenery and wildlife. The meeting point is at Northwest 3rd Street in Crystal River.

During this guided adventure, you'll enjoy a beginner/intermediate paddle through Kings Bay to two different springs in Crystal River. Our kayaks are tandem, so you can enjoy the experience with a partner. And if you fancy a quick swim, there are areas where you can take a dip, depending on boat traffic.

Crystal River is famous for its natural springs and large populations of manatees. Keep your eyes peeled for not only manatees but also dolphins, birds, turtles, fish, alligators, and other wildlife species. To ensure a personalized and enjoyable experience, we keep our group sizes small, with a maximum of 10 paddlers per trip, and our friendly guides are always on hand to answer any questions you may have.

It's important to note that reservations are required for all tours, and the weight limit is 425 pounds per boat, with no more than 250 pounds per seat. Our Crystal River tours depart from Kings Bay Park in Crystal River.

While we can't guarantee manatee sightings on every tour, we'll do our best to take you to the areas where they are typically most active. Manatee season officially runs from November 15th to March 31st, and during this time, the gulf gets too cold for the manatees, so they seek refuge in the springs. However, sometimes the manatees swim back out to the bay/gulf to find food, due to warmer temperatures outside. We want all our guests to know this possibility to avoid any disappointment.

Join us on a thrilling adventure in Crystal River, and discover the magic of the natural world! What are you waiting for? Join us now on this Clear Kayak Tour in Crystal River with Manatees!



  • Todos los amantes de la naturaleza que visitan la región deberían visitar esta reserva marina;

  • La posibilidad de encontrar delfines salvajes es muy alta gracias a nuestra tripulación experimentada;

  • En cada kayak caben dos personas, por lo que los más jóvenes también pueden venir;

  • En este paseo podéis disfrutar del viaje, ser uno con la naturaleza y sin dejar un impacto negativo en el medio ambiente!

No olvidar

  • No podemos garantizar que vayamos encontrar delfines/ballenas. Los animales son totalmente salvajes y no alimentados. Pero nuestras tasas de éxito son muy altas;

  • Por favor, preséntaos 30 minutos antes de la salida;

  • Todas las experiencias marítimas están sujetas a las condiciones climáticas y marítimas. En caso de malas condiciones, nos pondremos en contacto con vosotros para reprogramar o hacer un reembolso;

  • El número de teléfono y la dirección del operador, se mencionan en el correo electrónico de confirmación.

  • Recomendamos traer crema de sol, ropa de baño, un sombrero y una toalla;


  • Información de seguridad, seguro y chalecos salvavida están incluidos;

  • Perfect activity for your group of friends or family to celebrate special occasions;

  • El paseo de observación de delfines es acompañado por un experto marino que podrá contaros todos los secretos sobre los animales y las otras formas de vida en el mar;

  • Nuestro equipo experimentado os enseñará las cosas más importantes antes de comenzar, por lo que no se necesita experiencia previa;

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Clear Kayak Tour in Crystal River with Manatees