Excursão de observação de baleias no Alasca


Are you ready for a Whale Watching Tour in Alaska? 

Are you looking for an unforgettable way to experience the wonders of Hoonah? Our whale watching tour is the perfect opportunity to witness the majesty of humpback whales like never before! Our captain guarantees sightings of these magnificent creatures, and with a remarkable 100% success rate on over 400 tours, we stand by our promise to deliver an unforgettable experience.
But that’s not all – we go above and beyond to offer a one-of-a-kind opportunity to observe these gentle giants from above using drone technology. Our state-of-the-art equipment allows us to capture stunning footage of whales and other marine life without disrupting their natural patterns. We’ll even download the footage before docking, allowing you to take home a unique and treasured souvenir.
With our drone technology, we can explore the wonders of the ocean like never before. From observing pods of orcas to witnessing humpback whale mothers with their calves, and even the rare phenomenon of bubble-net feeding by groups of humpbacks – the possibilities are endless!

Come a board of this unforgettable whale watching in Alaska that departs from Hoonah. The tour takes around 3 hours and the boat can take up to 14 passengers, offering you a very personalized experience!

We understand that your comfort is crucial, and we recommend dressing for potentially cold and rough weather, wearing layers, and bringing a rain-proof jacket. If you’re prone to sea-sickness, please take medication in advance to ensure you enjoy every moment of your journey. We do also have a 100% success rate at finding them, and will guarantee that we see them or else will refund your money.
Join us for a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you’ll cherish for years to come. We can’t wait to share the magic of Hoonah with you! What are you waiting for? Book your Whale Watching Tour in Alaska now!
Alimentado por Obter o seu guia
O Alasca é um destino obrigatório para quem procura aventura e adora a natureza. Fazer um passeio de barco para explorar os glaciares e avistar baleias é algo que não podemos recomendar o suficiente - a experiência é inesquecível. As águas geladas e as paisagens impressionantes fazem com que cada momento pareça uma aventura única na vida. As observações da vida selvagem são únicas, especialmente quando feitas de barco.

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