Cruzeiro pelas luzes da cidade de Nova Iorque


Are you ready for a New York City Lights cruise? 

Experience a New York City Lights cruise like never before! Step aboard a decked-out 1920s inspired motor yacht. As you lounge in the observation cabin to take in the twinkling lights of this famous skyline. No narration of the sights, this is a relaxing, sightseeing affair. Sit back and enjoy on a beautifully-crafted yacht as you cruise by Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty, and Governors Island, all major lower Manhattan lit up at night!

A beautiful full bar and specialty cocktails and wines by the bottle are available for purchase. We offer complimentary drink (beer, wine, champagne or soda) so you can refresh yourself while enjoying a stunning view! This 1.25-hour cruise provides excellent sightseeing, it is not narrated, providing a more passive and romantic tourism experience.
What are you waiting for? Join us on this New York City Lights cruise!
Alimentado por Obter o seu guia
New York
Nova Iorque é conhecida pela sua icónica linha do horizonte, mas recomendamos que explore a cidade a partir da água. Faça um passeio de barco por Manhattan para ter uma vista deslumbrante da Estátua da Liberdade e das pontes. Para uma experiência mais ativa, experimente andar de caiaque no rio Hudson - é uma excelente forma de apreciar a cidade enquanto foge da azáfama.

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