Flyboard em Gran Canaria


Are you ready to try flyboard in Gran Canaria?

Está de férias em Gran Canaria and looking for something cool to do? Flyboard in Gran Canaria gives you the unique feeling of flying over the sea. The board under your feet with two powerful jets down lets you fly over water, jumping like a dolphin and do all kinds of tricks. It’s an amazing feeling!

This cool water sport was pioneered by the Frenchman Franky Zapata in 2012. Balance yourself, maintain body control and you’ll be able do pirouettes, move yourself and dare to do a 360 turn. Flyboard in Gran Canaria is much easier than it looks at first sight. With the help of our experienced instructors everyone is able to be a first-time flyer!

Our professionals will explain everything you need to know and they will make sure that you are ready and prepared with all the equipment you need. One of the qualified instructors will be with you during the whole experience, looking after you at all times, answering your questions and advising you about your adventure so that you’ll have the best experience possible. 

To practice flyboard in Gran Canaria, it’s obligatory to use a lifejacket and helmet. You can book this unique experience during 15 minutes (60€), 20 minutes (75€) or 30 minutes (90€) and it will start at Anfi Beach. And if that’s not enough, a professional photographer will be on hand to take photos so that you can show off your experience 😉

Do we have to convince you more? If you’re an adventure seeker, then flyboard in Gran Canaria is your sport! You’ll be flying from the very first moment! Come and try it!


  • This experience can be done all year round, depending on the weather and ocean conditions;
  • From high in the sky, you’ll get the best possible view of the impressive coastline;
  • Smart, young and skilled staff, willing to provide you an unforgettable experience;
  • Temos a certeza de que esta experiência é uma das mais emocionantes e aventureiras durante as suas férias;

Não se esqueça:

  • Recomendamos que traga protetor solar, equipamento de natação, um chapéu e uma toalha;
  • To participate in this experience, you should be able to swim and feel comfortable in the sea;
  • Please check-in 15 minutes before the start of the experience;
  • You’ll pay a deposit to place your booking request and pay the remaining once your booking is confirmed, with the tour operator
  • As informações pormenorizadas sobre o operador turístico, incluindo o número de telefone local e o endereço exato, estão incluídas no seu e-mail de confirmação;

O que está incluído:

  • Estão incluídas instruções de segurança por um guia multilingue, seguro e coletes salva-vidas;
  • Our experienced crew will teach you the most important things before you start, so no previous experience needed;
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