Passeio à vela de outono nas Grand Palisades


Are you ready for an Autumn sailing tour to the Grand Palisades?

During this Autumn sightseeing sail, we will sail north on the Hudson, with amazing views of the city’s Upper West Side, pass the Palisades, a picturesque area lined with breathtaking cliffs and admire the orange, golden and brown leaves of fall! Bordering the Hudson River north of Fort Lee, New Jersey, the Palisades are among the most dramatic geologic features in New York City’s vicinity.

Now you can have one of the best views of this natural wonder from a seat on the Schooner Adirondack. Aboard the 80-foot Schooner Adirondack or aboard the Schooner America 2.0 you will receive one complimentary drink (beer, wine, Champagne or soft drink) is offered. Additional beverages are available for purchase. We encourage you to bring your own picnic if you want!

What are you waiting for? Join us now on this Autumn sailing tour in New York!
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Nova Iorque
Nova Iorque é conhecida pela sua icónica linha do horizonte, mas recomendamos que explore a cidade a partir da água. Faça um passeio de barco por Manhattan para ter uma vista deslumbrante da Estátua da Liberdade e das pontes. Para uma experiência mais ativa, experimente andar de caiaque no rio Hudson - é uma excelente forma de apreciar a cidade enquanto foge da azáfama.

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