Avistamiento de ballenas y delfines desde Funchal


Are you ready to go whale and dolphin watching from Funchal?

This boat tour with dolphin watching from Funchal will give you the unique experience to watch whales and dolphins in Madeira en sus hábitat natural. This whale and dolphin watching from Funchal takes place on a very speedy Rigid Inflatable Passenger Boat (RIB). The trip takes about 2,5 hours and starts at the Marina of Funchal.

In the Marina, before the tour, our team will give you an educational briefing about the occurrence of whales and dolphins in Madeira.  We will tell you about the different species we usually find and how you can help us to spot them. We’ll also give you a briefing about all the information about the tour and safety rules for dolphin watching from Funchal.

The waters in Madeira Island are very rich in cetaceans: marine mammals that live exclusively in an aquatic habitat, like the whales and dolphins. Sightings can vary between 1 and 7 species per trip. Almost 30 species of cetaceans can be found around the Madeira Islands, like: Common Dolphins, Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins, Striped Dolphins, Pilot whales, Fin whale, Bryde’s whales, Killer whales and Sperm whales.

During this boat trip chances to experience encounters with cetaceans are very high. We cannot promise that we find marine wildlife on every trip because we deal with wild animals that are not fed. Our skippers are very experienced and as such our success rate is extremely high. If if you are unlucky and did not find any on your first ride, we invite you to join us for another trip with no costs.

This dolphin watching from Funchal trip is part of the Responsible Whale Watch Partnership ‘Planet Whale’, which recognizes the best Whale Watching Operators. The tour operator is also associated to the ‘Madeira Whale Museum’ and the ‘Natural Park of Madeira’ by collecting sighting data and following the best practices when with dolphins and whales.
Desarrollado por GetYourGuide
Madeira es un paraíso para los amantes de la naturaleza y los deportes acuáticos. Le recomendamos una excursión en barco para explorar la espectacular costa de la isla y sus aguas cristalinas. No se pierda la oportunidad de practicar snorkel, e incluso podrá avistar delfines o ballenas por el camino. La mezcla de aventura y belleza natural de Madeira es algo que no querrá perderse.

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