Crucero en yate para avistamiento de delfines en Fuengirola


Are you ready for a Dolphin Watching Yacht Cruise in Fuengirola?

Enjoy a relaxing cruise in Fuengirola with complimentary drinks and snacks. Chill out onboard a large yacht and take in the sun while searching for dolphins playing just outside the bay.

Make your way to the port of Fuengirola and meet your crew and group for the day. Get settled and relax on board the boat and wave goodbye to the shoreline as you set sail on the Mediterranean Sea.

Listen to your captain tell you about the local environment as you tuck into a few snacks and enjoy a drink in the sunshine with picturesque views of the coast. You may even see dolphins playing around the boat. If you’re feeling up to it you may even get a chance to cool off with a dip in the crisp, clear waters.
Desarrollado por GetYourGuide
Fuengirola es un bello destino de la Costa del Sol española, conocido por sus largas playas y aguas tranquilas. Recomendamos practicar paddleboard o dar un paseo en barco por la costa para descubrir calas escondidas y disfrutar de las impresionantes vistas del Mediterráneo. Sus aguas son perfectas para practicar snorkel y relajarse junto al mar.

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