Experiencia de surf en Lisboa


Are you ready for a surf experience in Lisbon?

Este surf experience in Lisbon starts with an initial assessment, where the trainer, according to the main parameters of the training process, will define your level. The trainer will then be able to pay more attention to the technical details of surfing or bodyboarding performance, focusing on individual skills that need to be improved, optimizing the time to bring a surfer to the next level.
Lisbon offers white sand beaches and several surf spots for beginners or advanced surfers at about 10-30 minutes’ drive from the city center. Get to know and surf some of the coolest and hidden spots around Lisbon with a local surfer. Surf in the perfect spot, based on sea conditions and surfer’s level. 
Have a ride with a local guide and enjoy the most hidden and fantastical surf spots in Lisbon. Full surf or bodyboard equipment and wetsuits are provided, along with optional video footage so you can check out your technique and make any adjustments as needed.
What are you waiting for? Join us now on this surf experience in Lisboa!
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