Surfen in Alicante


Are you ready to go surfing in Alicante?

Sind Sie im Urlaub in Alicante and have you already spotted some cool surfers? Would you also like to learn to surf? Well, then let’s go surfing in Alicante! The best surf spot in Alicante, where your surf class will take place is at Playa de San Juan.

Is it your first time? Or did you surf before and do you want to improve your basics? It doesn’t matter what your level of experience in surfing is. We’ll make sure you fall in love with surfing in Alicante and adapt the lesson to your level of experience.

Surfing in Alicante takes about 2 Stunden and will be done at Playa de San Juan or closeby (depending on where the sea conditions are the best). Our instructors are happy the help you get better at surfing and don’t forget: having fun is a priority!

If you are a beginner, you will learn the first steps of surfing on a special beach class. Once you know how to “stand-up”, you’re ready to grab your board and go for your first waves in the sea! Our instructors know exactly the best surf spots.

Are you looking for another way to explore the Costa Blanca? It is also possible to do a stand-up paddle boarding or a kayak tour! We are very flexible and can adapt the experience to your needs!

Let’s stay fit during your holidays and join this surf trip in Alicante!
* Please note that there is an additional cost of 5€ per person for wetsuits.

Angetrieben durch GetYourGuide
Alicante ist ein Küstenjuwel mit klarem Wasser und goldenen Stränden. Wir empfehlen eine Bootstour, um die versteckten Buchten zu erkunden und die atemberaubende Aussicht auf das Mittelmeer zu genießen. Das ruhige Wasser eignet sich perfekt zum Paddeln, und das Schnorcheln ist hier fantastisch, mit einer lebhaften Unterwasserwelt. Die Mischung aus Strandvergnügen und kulturellem Charme macht Alicante zu einem großartigen Urlaubsziel.

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