Sonnenuntergangstour ab Altea


Are you ready for a sunset tour from Altea?

The best time of day to enjoy the view over the coastline is, without a doubt, during sunset, right? Come with us on this stunning sunset tour from Altea and enjoy the beautiful coastline of Costa Blanca during the most magical time of the day – sunset!

Let the enchanting and romantic hours of the sunset view over the coast amaze you while you sit on the comfortable deck of our catamaran for this sunset tour from Altea!

Come aboard our nice 104-capacity Segel-Katamaran from the Port of Altea and let our experienced and friendly crew take you on a boat tour along the beautiful coastline of Altea! During this one-hour and half sunset from Altea, every person gets one glass of cava or soft drinks for children to enjoy while watching the sun set over the Mediterranean Sea.

Take a sip of your fresh, cold welcome drink while enjoying the best views of a magical sunset! Watch the sun set over the incredible skyline and Altea beaches. See the sun going down behind the mountains and relax on this catamaran cruise.

What are you waiting for? Bring your friends and family and end the day together and enjoy this unique moment during the sunset tour from Altea!

Alicante ist ein Küstenjuwel mit klarem Wasser und goldenen Stränden. Wir empfehlen eine Bootstour, um die versteckten Buchten zu erkunden und die atemberaubende Aussicht auf das Mittelmeer zu genießen. Das ruhige Wasser eignet sich perfekt zum Paddeln, und das Schnorcheln ist hier fantastisch, mit einer lebhaften Unterwasserwelt. Die Mischung aus Strandvergnügen und kulturellem Charme macht Alicante zu einem großartigen Urlaubsziel.

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