Kristallklare Kajaktour in Kahului


Are you ready for our Crystal Clear Kayak Tour in Kahului?

Our 3hr Crystal Clear Kayak Tour is perfect for those would-be snorkelers who prefer to not get too wet. You won’t need a snorkeling mask when your whole boat is one. Our brand new clear kayaks offer the chance to sit quietly, enjoying turtles und fish swimming undisturbed below you. This tour starts from Camp Olowalu at Olowalu Beach.
Your guide will navigate you over bustling reefs und lava fingers while educating your family about the daily life of our friends who live there. With so much camouflage on the reef, it can be difficult to know what you are looking at with the untrained eye. Your guide will point out many of the little marvels you may have overlooked as you paddled about.
Pontoon attachments make the kayaks almost impossible to tip and impossible to sink, so you don’t need to have experience. All tours are small and intimate with only 10 guests per guide. This unique excursion is fun for the whole family, kids from 4 years are welcome.
When you book the Crystal Clear Kayak Tour, not only does your family win by having the experience of a lifetime, but our Maui Community College wins too! Every seat booked helps support UHMC!
What are you waiting for? Join us on this Crystal Clear Kayak Tour in Kahului!
Angetrieben durch GetYourGuide
Kahului auf Maui ist ein fantastischer Ausgangspunkt für Wassersportbegeisterte. Wir empfehlen einen Bootsausflug zu einem der abgelegenen Schnorchelspots der Insel - das Wasser ist so klar und die Unterwasserwelt so vielfältig. Auch Windsurfen ist hier sehr beliebt, und Sie sollten sich nicht entgehen lassen, wie die Profis die Wellen bezwingen. Kahului ist das Tor zu vielen Inselabenteuern!

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