Rota dos Cetáceos

4.5 Over 611 Reviews


About Rota dos Cetáceos

Rota dos Cetáceos is a maritime-tourism company dedicated to the observation of cetaceans—whales and dolphins—off the coast of Madeira. Our clients are always accompanied by our team of Marine Biologists. We run dolphin and whale watching tours year round. Our offices are located in Funchal, next to the Marina.

We begin each tour with a briefing at our facilities, where we cover important topics such as the types of boats used, safety measures, and a brief introduction to the species that may be spotted during the excursion. To ensure successful cetacean sightings, we have a team of spotters positioned at strategic points, equipped with powerful binoculars to help guide our boats directly to the animals.

Rota dos Cetáceos would like to thank all those who choose to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat! When will we be able to take you to discover the magical world of wild dolphins?




Experience The Sea With Rota dos Cetáceos

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Madeira ist ein Paradies für Naturliebhaber und Wassersportbegeisterte. Wir empfehlen eine Bootstour, um die dramatische Küstenlinie und das klare Wasser der Insel zu erkunden. Schnorcheln ist ein Muss - vielleicht sehen Sie unterwegs sogar Delfine oder Wale. Madeiras Mischung aus Abenteuer und natürlicher Schönheit ist etwas, das Sie nicht verpassen sollten.

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