Bolhas Tours

4.8 Over 248 Reviews


About Bolhas Tours

Welcome to BOLHAS TOURS, where we specialize in creating unique leisure and relaxation experiences while showcasing the natural beauty and charm of the Sesimbra region and the Setúbal Peninsula.

Operating since 2013, Bolhas Tours is a registered trademark of Follow Sensations, with its headquarters and nautical center located in the “Porto de Abrigo” of Sesimbra. We proudly offer both maritime and terrestrial circuits, complemented by the best activities the Sesimbra and Setúbal region have to offer.

Our wide range of activities is designed to cater to groups of friends, families, or businesses, ensuring unforgettable moments tailored to your needs. Whether you’re seeking a scenic boat tour through the crystal-clear waters of Sesimbra, an encounter with the friendly dolphins of the Sado River estuary, or a day of fishing along our beautiful coastline, we have the perfect adventure for you.

At Bolhas Tours, we focus on delivering innovative tourism experiences, organized with the utmost professionalism, safety, and dedication. Our goal is to provide memories that last a lifetime.

If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind experience in Sesimbra, Lisbon, or the Sado River estuary, don’t hesitate to contact us. Let us make your day or event truly special!




Experience The Sea With Bolhas Tours

Hervorgehobene Bewertungen

Wir haben die besten Wassersportarten und Bootstouren an Portugals einzigartiger Küste ausgesucht. Egal, ob Sie das ganze Jahr über auf den Wellen surfen oder eine aufregende Bootstour an der Algarve unternehmen möchten, Sie werden Portugals Schönheit vom Meer aus erleben. Erforschen Sie versteckte Höhlen, beobachten Sie Delfine in freier Wildbahn oder versuchen Sie sich im Stand-up-Paddling und Segeln - Portugal ist ein Muss für Wasserliebhaber.

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